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Publikuoti: 10/19/2017. Atnaujinta: 5/16/2024

Network codes implementation

​​​​​​​​​CACM  NC:

​11th July, 2024
​ACER amends the EU electricity balancing rules to improve the efficiency of the PICASSO platform​
14th​ May, 2024
ACER’S updated metodology for Coordinating Operational Security Analysis Improves The Operational Security Analysis in electricity systems​
30th January, 2023
​ACER approves the new automatic maximum price limit adjustment mechanis​m for the European electricity spot markets​​

​22nd December, 2021

ACER approves an amendment to the congestion income distribution methodology for European electricity markets​​
​14th October, 2021
ACER consults on the amendment of the EU electricity balancing pricing methodology​
​19th November, 2020

Regulators approved position on cost allocation between TSO and electricity market operators

​26th July, 2019
Council extended the deadline to implement Baltic MNA proposal
​28th June, 2019
Approval of Methodology For Redispatching and Countertrading Cost Sharing
30th May, 2018
NCC approved all Baltic Transmission system operators proposal for cross-zonal capacity allocation
29th March, 2018
NCC approved Fallback procedures
​2th February, 2018
NCC approved all NEMOS' proposal for the day ahead products, intraday products and back-up methodology
​4th January, 2018
NCC approved TSOS’ proposal for amendment to include the upcoming BE-GB interconnector in the decision on capacity calculation regions
​12th January, 2017​NCC approved the generation and load data provision methodology
​19th October, 2017NCC confirmed that Epex Spot can provide day-ahead and intraday trading services in Lithuania
​​30th June, 2017NCC approved the Market Coupling Operator Plan
​15th June, 2017NCC approved Day-Ahead Firmness Deadline
​25th May, 2017​​​​NCC approved the Common Grid Model Methodology
​15th December​, 2015Nord Pool Spot AS designated as the nominated electricity market operator in Lithuania


​28th June, 2019
Decision on emerging technology classification withdrawal
18th January, 2018
​NCC approves the criteria to grant derogations
​7th August, 2017Regarding sales volumes of emerging technologies
​27th July, 2017The electricity generation module eVita was classified as an emerging technology


​27th March, 2019
NCC approved the requirements of general application regarding Network Code on Demand Connection (DCC)
​​24th January, 2018
​NCC approves the criteria to grant derogations


​7th May, 2019
​The common technical requirements for the connection of the power park modules to the network have been approved
18th January, 2018
​NCC approves the criteria to grant derogations

FCA implementation:

​​28th June 2023​
NERC ordered Litgrid AB to take measures to promote the development of the derivatives market​​
​23th October, 2021

ACER approves principles for sharing costs of ensuring firmness and remuneration of long-term transmission rights in the EU​
​19th August, 2021
NERC issued decision on cross-zonal risk hedging opportunities
​22th July, 2021
​ACER consults on the harmonised allocation rules for long-term transmission rights
19th November, 2020
ACER rejects the long-term capacity calculation methodology for the Baltic Capacity Calculation Region
​5th November, 2020
ACER approves principles for sharing costs of ensuring firmness and remuneration of long-term transmission rights
​31th July, 2020
NERC invites market participants to participate in public consultation on the capacity calculation methodology for the long-term timeframe in the Baltic region
​16th July, 2020
ACER to decide on methodology related to long-term cross-zonal electricity capacity
​1th March, 2018
​NCC approved the generation and load data provision methodology
12th May, 2017NCC takes decision to improve liquidity in the wholesale electricity market in Lithuania


​10th October, 2022
ACER has decided on the amendments of the implementation frameworks for the European balancing platforms​
​2nd December, 2021

​​NERC has harmonized the standard terms a​nd conditions of the Imbalance Purchase and Sale Agreements and has repealed the Description of the procedure for regulating balancing energy price​​
​15th April, 2021
ACER consults on the cross-zonal capacity allocation methodology for the exchange of balancing capacity in Baltic capacity calculation region
​21th July, 2020
ACER publishes three decisions harmonising the EU balancing market for electricity
​14th July, 2020
ACER publishes the decisions on new rules for further integration into the EU electricity balancing markets
​18th June, 2020NERC: Common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy for all asynchronously connected TSOs are approved
17th April, 2020NERC: Baltic TSOs’ settlement rules for the unintended exchange of energy have been adopted
​3th February, 2020
ACER adopts decisions towards a single EU electricity balancing market
​29th January, 2020
NERC approved all asynchronously connected TSOs’ proposal for common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy between synchronous areas
​3th October, 2019
Approval of terms and conditions for balancing service providers
​28th June, 2019
Approval of Terms and Conditions for Balance Responsible Parties


​21th June, 2021
ACER adopted a Decision on the amendments to the European methodology for coordinated security analysis
​3th November, 2020
NERC approved common provisions for regional operational security coordination
​31th July, 2019
ACER adopts decisions on coordinated security analysis and relevance of assets for outage coordination in electricity
​17th January, 2019NCC approved Key Organisational Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities (KORRR)
20th September, 2018NCC approved the common grid model methodology

List of the NCC approved power-generating modules (PGMs) classified as emerging technologies