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Publikuoti: 9/15/2015. Atnaujinta: 6/6/2022

List of licensed companies in drinking water supply management activity

​No.Company nameLicense numberDate of issue and Commission resolution number
1.IĮ „Emilijos Kaminskienės įmonė“L7-GVT-01

Note: The license has been repealed.

2021-10-29 Nr.O3E-1391​

20th August,2015; No. O3-469

2.IĮ Juozo Oleko „Liepsnelė“L7-GVT-02

20th August,2015; No. O3-470

​3.​VšĮ „Antazavės vanduo“​​L7-GVT-03

Note: The license has been repealed.
​​2021-04-23 Nr.O3E-479​​​

29th January, 2016; No. O3-16​