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Publikuoti: 11/14/2017. Atnaujinta: 4/27/2022

Licensing / Permissions


Since 1st of January 2018, when new edition of the Law on Natural Gas of the Republic of Lithuania came into effect, the activity of natural gas supply (except trading in natural gas exchange and gas stations) is considered to be regulated by permissions, instead of being licensed activity. Trading in natural gas exchange and gas stations is not regulated by permissions or licenses.

According to the Law on Natural Gas of the Republic of Lithuania, the company has to provide completed application form and declaration, confirming that the company has not started a bankruptcy, reorganization and / or liquidation procedure.

The Commission must verify the information provided in the declaration no later than within 5 working days from the date of acquisition of the right to engage in natural gas supply activities.

Scheme which show when do you need a natural gas supply activity permission.


In natural gas sector following activity is licensed: 

Natural gas transmission;

Natural gas distribution;

Natural gas storage;

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification;

Natural gas market operator.

The process after official application is:

• Within 5 working days after submission of the application Commission evaluates provided documents and sends for the applicant confirmation that Commission has received his application. If some documents are missing or filled in incorrectly, Commission informs the applicant which document should be corrected or added and sets 10 working days period to provide them.

• The applicant provides correctly formalized data in 10 working days after reception of Commission's letter (if Commission asks for correction).
• Within 30 calendar days after submission of correctly formalized data Commission makes a decision and issues a license or refuses to issue a license. In the case of refusal Commission informs the applicant about the decision by official letter.

• Within 5 working days after acceptation of positive decision Commission sends the license for the applicant.

The list of license / permissions holders can be found here.
According to the Licensing Rules of the Natural Gas Transmission, Distribution, Storage, Liquefaction, Supply and the Market Operator approved by Resolution No 1246 as of 27 October 2011 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania the company has to provide:
1. Completed application form.
2. Financial statements of the last two years (balance sheet, profit (loss) statement, cash flow statement, statement of changes in equity, explanatory notes) and audit report.
3. Completed the Annex No. 2 and No. 6 of Rules for technological, financial and managerial capability assessment.

It is also needed to provide information, according to activity (Article 14 or Article 15 for transmission activity, Article 16 or Article 17 or Article 18 for distribution activity, Article 19 for storage activity, Article 20 for LNG regasification activity, Article 24 for market operator activity).

The payment for issue of the license for natural gas supply should be paid for State Tax Inspectorate Under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania.

ActivityTransmissionDistribution/Storage/LNG regasificationMarket Operator
Changing of licenceEur357289357
Issuing of duplicateEur524352
Correction of licenceEur814381
Issuing of limited duration licenceEur579n/a

Recipient code – 188659752, payment code 5774, collectable accounts:

Account No.Bank codeBank's name
LT32 7180 0000 0014 103871800Akcinė bendrovė Šiaulių bankas
LT74 7400 0000 0872 387074000Danske Bank A/S Lietuvos filialas
LT24 7300 0101 1239 430073000„Swedbank“, AB