On 29 May 2023, the National Energy Regulatory Council (hereinafter – Council) approved AB Amber Grid natural gas transmission services tariffs that will come into effect from 1st of January 2024.
New prices for natural gas transmission services (2024) are published here.
Council, considering FINESTLAT's natural gas transmission pricing decisions at the entry points of FINESTLAT's common price area, set the ratio of 61.6 % /38.4% of the split of the transmission service revenues between the entry and exit points to be applied to the main network.
In order to increase the simplicity and flexibility of the use of the transmission system, and to promote the development of the regional gas market, the transmission service prices at the entry points are harmonized with entry prices in the neighboring tariff area covering Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
The new entry point – the Lithuanian Domestic Entry Point – is added to the AB Amber Grid transmission system, targeting biomethane producers planning to supply biomethane to the AB Amber Grid transmission system. This entry point is expected to be subject to the same transmission prices as the other entry points in 2024.
Information relating to the Council's motivated decision on Article 26(1) of Regulation (EU) 2017/460, of 16 March 2017, establishing a network code on harmonized transmission tariff structures for gas:
- Certificate on the approval of the prices for the natural gas transmission services of AB Amber Grid for the year 2024 (click here);
- Resolution on the approval of the prices for the natural gas transmission services of AB Amber Grid for year 2024 (click here);
- Pricing model for natural gas transmission services (click here).