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Publikuoti: 8/6/2019. Atnaujinta: 8/6/2019

ACER publishes a new edition of the REMIT Quarterly

The 17th edition of the Agency’s REMIT Quarterly has been published on the REMIT Portal. Covering the second quarter of 2019, this edition delivers a report on the Cross-border intraday market project (XBID) and the effects it has had on the Agency’s surveillance activities. An update on the Agency’s data quality work is also included, as well as a rundown of the different tools the Agency uses for its data quality and data sharing activities.

The new edition also provides the details of an ongoing revision of REMIT guidance, and outlines all the channels that stakeholders can use to contact the Agency in case of any queries related to transaction reporting guidance. An update on the Agency’s plans to revise its electronic formats for the reporting of transaction data, fundamental data and inside information is also provided.

REMIT case statistics are presented as well, together with an overview of sanction decisions.

Find out more here.