The NERC performs these activities in District Heating sector:
- Approves of the Methodologies for Calculating District Heating and Hot Water Prices;
- Issues the supply licences, supervise the regulated activity (performed by the companies producing more than 10 GWh of heat per year);
- Sets the main constituent parts of the District Heating and Hot Water Prices;
- Indicates for the municipalities on the violations in setting the prices, and if necessary, unilaterally set the prices;
- Exercises control over the application of the prices;
- Investigates the complaints and disputes of the customers and energy undertakings;
- Performs other functions prescribed by the laws and other legal acts.
At present, the services of heat supply provided by 52 companies (the number is variable) are regulated in Lithuania. And also there are 44 independent heat producers (22 non-regulating). One market participant acted as market operator.
In Lithuania the supply of thermal energy is regulated up to the boundary of ownership with a user. Usually it is up to the input of a heating main into a building. Production of thermal energy, transmission and distribution of thermal energy, as well as the trade of thermal energy are regulated in the sector of thermal energy supply.
At present, in the market structure of the fuel used for the heat energy production the share of natural gas constituted ~39,5%, the market share of biofuel – ~58,7%.
The end-tariff for users is regulated in 60 municipalities. The average heat price in Lithuania is ~5 ct/kWh – during 5 years it decreased by 35%.
More information about District Heating sector can be found in Lithuanian here.